Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fun with nature

In this age of television, computers, and electronic gadgets, children are deprived of the simple pleasures of exploring nature. Their hectic schedules at school, classes and extra-curricular activities, have left them with little time to play outdoors. It is unfortunate that children today are robbed of a very essential part of their childhood, connecting with nature.

 Children have always learned by being curious and asking questions. One of the things families can do is take young children outside and let them explore nature. They are often fascinated by water, sand, mud, rain, clouds, plants and many more things in our environment. Exploring nature has many benefits.

 • Nature gives children an opportunity to learn and explore through their senses

• Being out in nature helps children to become more aware

• It stimulates curiosity as children have an opportunity to learn by themselves

• When children play outdoors they jump, run and move about keeping them physically and mentally fit

• And above all, enjoying nature is an important part of every child’s development

The benefits of being a part of nature are endless. It is about giving the children that opportunity to get closer to nature. There are many things that parents, and teachers can do to help children develop a love for nature.

Expose them to the natural world
Encourage children to play in the garden. Let them pick up and observe leaves, flowers, rocks, etc. Point out and name trees, insects, birds, and animals to them. Expose them to the natural world from the time they are young.

A great way to help children connect to nature is to involve them in gardening. Have children sow seeds and grow plants of their choice. Encourage the children to sows the seeds, put the soil, and water the plants. This is one of the best way for children to watch the plants grow and learn how to take care of them.

Plan a trip
You can plan picnics and outings to nature spots for your child. Spend time visiting the beach, zoo, nature park etc. Children can experience the natural environment, take them to the beach to show the setting sun, to a sanctuary to see the wild life. Encourage your children to observe things around them.

Foster curiosity
Give children opportunities to foster curiosity. Let them explore nature by giving them simple instruments like magnifying glasses, a pair of binoculars, or a simple telescope. Encourage children to make a note of their observations of things they see around them. These are simple ways to introduce children to the world of science.

There are innumerable ways to get your child to enjoy nature. It will not only help them become more aware and responsible towards their environment, but also cherish these experiences.

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